Tavistock - Come For the Market and Food
Tavistock can trace its history back to 961 AD when the Tavistock Abbey was founded. Its most famous resident was Sir Francis Drake who was born at Crowndale farm. Sir Francis Drake was windows internet 7 champion for Queen Elizabeth and the first Englishman to circumnavigate the world. He defeated the Spanish Armada best broadband service 1588 and constructed Drake's Leat in Plymouth to bring clean drinking water to the streamx broadband from the high moor. Drake lived in Buckland Abbey slightly outside of the town towards Plymouth.
Tavistock was originally a mining town mining manganese, silver, tin, lead and copper. change password tmnet Devon Great tm streamyx mail mine is one of the largest copper mines in the world. The Bedford family, local nobility, strongly influenced the town and in times of prosperity built a reservoir to supply water to the town and miners homes. The Bedford style of design an be found throughout the town.
Today Tavistock is a small streamyx update town that is the center for Dartmoor and West Devon trade. It is home to many who commute to Plymouth and has seen an increase in retirees over the past few years. The market can be found in Pannier Market and the main market is on Fridays. Other days have more specialized markets such as craft and antique fairs. Every two weeks there is a farmers market that is considered the best farmers market in the southwest.
Possibly the largest event of the year is the Tavistock Goose fair, also called the goosey Fair. This fair has been going on since 1116. It occurs on the second Wednesday of October and lets individuals purchase their Christmas goose. Besides geese you can purchase other ware and ride games and see entertainment. Tavistock has been voted the best market town and best food town in England. There is a food festival in July and Carnival in August. Since 2006 Tavistock is a fair-trade town.
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